Virtual INLOCADE project kick-off

On January 15th, 2021, the INLOCADE project team held its first workshop to officially kick-off the 3-years-long project on the institutionalization of low carbon development in the Global South.
The project is a collaboration between Potsdam University and the Technical University of Darmstadt. The team consists of Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer, Anna Fünfgeld, Joshua Elsässer, and Dr. Jens Marquardt. Learn more about the project team here.
During the workshop the group discussed and specified the project’s aims and case studies, upcoming tasks and events as well as next tasks to implement the project. We are grateful to Chris Höhne, Fee Stehle, and Jennifer Bansard for their insights into the predecessor project.
A detailed INLOCADE project description can be found here.